Shaun of the Dead
Shaun of the Dead (2004)

Shaun of the Dead

(51 votes)




At the start of the movie, when the camera pans across the road, the red Renault Megane that is subsequently used by Shaun and his friends is missing the Renault badge.

It appears and disappears again several times during the movie.

The red mark from the leaky pen in Shaun's pocket changes size and shape several times even before he gets covered in Zombie blood.

Towards the end of the movie, there's some TV news footage and the caption reads, "Rememering Z-Day" - "Remembering" is misspelled.

This is fixed on the DVD.

Each time Shaun opens the fridge door in the shop, the camera is reflected in the door.

In the opening montage, you see Mary the checkout girl, working at the supermarket.

On her name-tag it says "Landis Supermarket", yet on the checkout it clearly reads "Asda Supermarket".

When they first start beating the pub owner with pool cues, the actor/stuntman is clearly wearing padding under the back of his shirt.

After Mary gets up, Ed winds the camera to take a picture, but he already wound it right after taking a picture of Shaun and Mary together.

When the characters are in the car, the wound on Philip's shoulder changes and then changes back.

When Mary falls onto the pole in the back garden, she is at an angle where her feet are facing Shaun and Ed.

In the next shot, her body has rotated so her feet are facing the fence to Shaun's right.

In the basement of the pub, Shaun puts his hand behind Liz.

In the next shot, his hand isn't there, and then in the shot after, his hand is back.

In the Pub basement, Shaun puts a cigarette in Ed's mouth and lights it for him.

In the next cut, the smoke is not lit, cut back again, and it is lit.

When Dianne throws Shaun the tennis pole, she throws it so he should catch it with the tennis ball to his left-hand side, but in the next shot he catches it so that the tennis ball is on his right-hand side.

During the Queen fight, as Shaun falls and gets back up, his pool cue swaps hands twice, but only one is deliberate.

When Ed lights the Molotov cocktail, it disappears when the zombies drag him.

When Shaun and Ed are frisbeeing vinyl at their two zombierific backyard invaders, Shaun claims that a copy of 'New Order' (qv)'s "Blue Monday" is an original pressing.

The first pressing of this 12" single in the UK was in a die-cut sleeve with a black insert, so the one in the film is obviously a later release.

In the pub, after Shaun has shot his mother, he drops the gun to his side, with David standing some way behind him.

After he punches David, David flies backwards still further, and when he lands, the gun is right beside him.

When Shaun is climbing through Liz's window you can see the top part of a scaffolding pole from the platform he was standing on.

The "shaved" patch on the back of Ed's head changes size throughout the movie.

In some shots, it is very small, but in others, it is quite prominent.

When Shaun and Ed are throwing objects at Mary and the Fat Man in the garden, one of the first objects (and another later) goes through the back window and the interior curtains are seen to fly up in the air.

When they run out of objects all of the windows are still intact.

When Shaun is walking to the shop (for the second time - when the zombies are rampant), the boom is reflected in the blue car on the side of the street.

When Shaun is walking to the shop (for the first time - when the zombies are not yet rampant), a man is cleaning the windscreen of his blue Vauxhall Cavalier, the windscreen is a tinted one (solar green with a blue shade).

When Shaun is walking to the shop (for the second time - when the zombies are rampant), the smashed windscreen of the same Cavalier is a clear one without any tint or shade.

The first shot was probably taken after the second one, as the tinted windscreen appears to have been replaced, as the rest of the Cavalier's glass is not solar tinted, too.

When Shaun and Ed are playing on the PlayStation, when the camera cuts to the screen the level they are playing on changes.

When Shaun goes to Liz's flat to patch things up with her after not booking the restaurant, he says he doesn't need cigarettes, and throws his pack of Embassy into the bin.

Later, at the end of the film, Liz offers Shaun a cigarette from the same pack she took from the bin because she was desperate, yet the pack is now Marlboro Lights.

During the living room fight scene with the groom zombie, Ed picks up an ashtray to use as a weapon.

You can clearly see that the ashtray isn't in his open hand as he swings his arm, and luckily reappears just in time to crash into the zombie's head (about 30 minutes into the film).

When Liz uses the fire extinguisher she is holding the horn with her left hand.

This part of a CO2 extinguisher becomes very cold when fired - enough to burn skin.

She should not have been able to do this without suffering injury.

When the 'Groom Zombie' enters Shaun, Ed and Pete's home you can see positioning markers on the floor in Shaun and Ed's reaction shot.

Look to the lower right of the screen and you'll see at least two markers in blue tape on the floor.

These are for continuity and should not be visible in the final cut.

When Ed goes to smash an ash tray on the head of the groom zombie if you slow down the picture you can clearly see that he hasn't got a ash tray in his hand.

When Shaun and Ed are in the back garden hitting the two zombies with a shovel and a cricket bat, their clothes get covered in blood, but the weapons remain immaculate.

Later, in the living room, Ed holds up a blood covered shovel.

After Shaun and Ed stop to make sure the person they hit with the car is indeed a zombie, they drive off.

As they do, to the right of them you will see a lawn mower moving along, apparently by itself.

When Shaun visits the local shop for a second time, he slips over in what is assumed to be blood on the way to the fridge.

However, when he walks away he doesn't slip again and as the camera moves backwards you catch a glimpse of the floor and there is no sign of the blood.

When Shaun and Ed reverse to check the zombie they've just run over, there is an UN-snipped cable tie attached to the fake demented leg of the zombie.

When Shaun runs out of Liz's Apartment to get to the car, when he hits every zombie with his cricket bat, it bends, revealing it's made of foam.

After Shaun picks up Liz at her home, the Jaguar the group is using to get to the pub has a rear-view mirror in some scenes and it is missing in others moments later.

When Shaun first walks down stairs, he sits on the sofa and picks up a PlayStation controller we hear "Player 2 has entered the game" And "Player 2 has left the game" The game Ed is playing, _Timesplitters 2 (2002) (VG)_ (qv), does not have a press start to add players feature.

When Shaun is visiting the shop the first time, one of the newspapers can be seen to talk about a "Vacine," instead of "Vaccine.


BAFTA Awards 2005

Alexander Korda Award for Best British Film

Bram Stoker Awards 2005

Bram Stoker Award

British Comedy Awards 2004

British Comedy Award
Best Comedy Film

British Independent Film Awards 2004

British Independent Film Award
Best British Independent Film
Best Screenplay
Most Promising Newcomer

Chlotrudis Awards 2005

Chlotrudis Award
Best Original Screenplay

Evening Standard British Film Awards 2005

Peter Sellers Award for Comedy

Fangoria Chainsaw Awards 2005

Chainsaw Award
Best Actor
Best Makeup/Creature FX
Best Screenplay
Best Supporting Actor
Best Wide-Release Film

Golden Schmoes Awards 2004

Golden Schmoes
Best Comedy of the Year
Best Horror Movie of the Year
Best Line of the Year
Biggest Surprise of the Year
Breakthrough Performance of the Year

Golden Trailer Awards 2004

Golden Trailer

International Horror Guild 2005

IHG Award
Best Movie

London Critics Circle Film Awards 2005

ALFS Award
British Film of the Year
British Screenwriter of the Year

Online Film Critics Society Awards 2005

OFCS Award
Best Breakthrough Filmmaker
Best Original Screenplay

Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards 2004

Rondo Statuette
Best Movie

Box Office

28 November 2004 USA USD 13,464,388
21 November 2004 USA USD 13,425,414
14 November 2004 USA USD 13,361,868
7 November 2004 USA USD 13,288,488
31 October 2004 USA USD 12,893,593
24 October 2004 USA USD 12,276,669
17 October 2004 USA USD 11,269,702
10 October 2004 USA USD 9,457,504
3 October 2004 USA USD 6,933,441
26 September 2004 USA USD 3,330,781
USA USD 13,542,874
16 May 2004 UK GBP 6,463,463
9 May 2004 UK GBP 6,343,193
2 May 2004 UK GBP 5,914,399
25 April 2004 UK GBP 5,185,472
18 April 2004 UK GBP 4,111,134
11 April 2004 UK GBP 1,603,410
worldwide USD 30,039,392
Non-USA USD 16,496,518
22 August 2004 Netherlands EUR 115,304
26 September 2004 USA USD 3,330,781 607
11 April 2004 UK GBP 1,603,410 367
8 October 2004 Australia USD 386,708 120
16 April 2004 Europe USD 1,705,086 369
28 November 2004 USA USD 21,377 52
21 November 2004 USA USD 37,173 84
14 November 2004 USA USD 60,438 103
7 November 2004 USA USD 177,463 256
31 October 2004 USA USD 380,607 516
24 October 2004 USA USD 610,567 571
17 October 2004 USA USD 1,109,997 672
10 October 2004 USA USD 1,708,113 675
3 October 2004 USA USD 2,481,020 645
26 September 2004 USA USD 3,330,781 607
16 May 2004 UK GBP 41,967 152
9 May 2004 UK GBP 160,949 218
2 May 2004 UK GBP 427,509 304
25 April 2004 UK GBP 539,666 338
18 April 2004 UK GBP 1,132,177 369
11 April 2004 UK GBP 1,603,410 367
22 August 2004 Netherlands EUR 29,825 29



The iconic duo return for another great film, Nick Frost and Simon Pegg take on an apocalypse of Zombies.The film is low budget and that can be seen throughout the movie, things such as the mistake of the bloody hand prints on the drink fridge door in the shop are the wrong way around and the lack of make up or cgi for the Zombies which don't look like zombies much at all.

Ah, those epic zombie gore drama-comedies. Such a great genre of film.

Edgar Wright's smash hit self proclaimed "rom-zom-com," is set in England during the midst of the zombie outbreak. During which, fumbling Shaun and company decide to wait the horrors out at a local pub, and decide to let things sort themselves out over a nice cool pint.

With so much craze about the zombies, me and my friend decided to watch something not so new, a movie which came out a bit before the zombie fashion. We actually had no idea it would turn out this good.

Shaun of the Dead perfectly mixes buddy comedy, parody horror, romantic love triangles, touching heart, and frankly awesome gory action to create one of the best films of all time. Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg have delivered a clever script that goes along perfectly with great performances that warrant multiple viewings.

Simon pegg cannot act and is not funny. So imagine my disdain when i see him trying ACTING in a alleged COMEDY.

Drama 2.5/5 Comedy 4.

Absolutely Hilarious! The comedy, acting, and storyline are all well executed.

Shaun is a late 20 something male who takes his girlfriend Liz for granted and seems more content with his care-free lifestyle and odd bromance with his loser friend Ed. However, things come to a head when Ed and Shaun bear witness to a zombie apocalypse and become the most unlikely of anti-heroes...
